Ever since I got my hair cut to my shoulders, I've regretted it. Around 7 years ago, my hair was so thick and long (falling just above my hips). A year later, I decided to get about 6-7 inches cut off. This meant that my hair was classed as a 'medium length'. During this period of time, I did not use hair straighteners, curlers or crimpers so my hair was in pretty good condition. However, I started getting into watching TV and I noticed that some of the celebrities had really nice short, blonde hair. I am currently a brunette and have been for quite a while now, but about 5 years ago, I dyed my hair blonde and got it cut to my shoulders; this look really did NOT suit me, but at the time, I was adamant that I wanted it done.

Anyway, since that stupid time where I thought it would be a good idea to cut all my hair off, I've been trying to find ways to grow it/ make my hair look longer. I did go through a stage of wearing extensions, but nothing annoys me more then when people's extensions do not match their hair colour. So since I dyed my hair quite a lot, they were not the option for me, however, I did wear them for a considerable amount of time. Due to dyeing and using extensions, my hair became very damaged. This did not help with all the heat products I was using on top of this. Your hair is one of your main characteristics so you've got to make sure you like it; it needs to look healthy!
I've previously mentioned
Lee Stafford's products in a haul post and I'm using them again. There are 3 things: a shampoo, treatment and a conditioner.
Lee Stafford - Hair Growth Set
Lee Stafford - Hair Growth Shampoo
Lee Stafford - Hair Growth Conditioner
Lee Stafford - Hair Growth Treatment
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